Garage School – Fermentation

Open Summer Lab

Sa 1.8. – 30.8.2020
Rib: Katendrechtse Lagedijk 490B 3082 GJ Rotterdam (NL)

In august 2020 Laagencia will develop the escuela de garage vol. Summer Lab at Rib in Rotterdam, in collaboration with artist and writer Juan Pablo Pacheco. This escuela proposes a critical exploration of our intimate relation with the microcosmos of bacteria, focused on the biopolitical dimension of fermentation processes. Through a series of practical experiments with different techniques and ingredients, this escuela aims to engage with the entangled experiences of fermentation that are situated in stories of food, migration, and colonialism.
The escuela is a free and open program for anyone to join at any moment, during four weeks we will gather around different formats for doing, cooking, research and distracting together.

Laagencia is an extitution located at the limits between artistic and instituent practices, with special emphasis on anti-colonial actions and art thinking. We experiment with different theories and strategies in order to propose collaborative public programs and platforms, self-publishing intelligences, and alternative ways of doing with others. Laagencia is now composed of five agents, and there is no hierarchy: they are all directors, producers and participants.
One of our public programs is escuela de garage (garage school); a free and open program that changes in subject and structure with each iteration. The form and temporality of each escuela is dictated by the subject that it explores and the context in which it takes place. The overall research goal is to continually and collectively unlearn.
To know more about previous versions of the escuela please visit: