• Charles Wrapner & Ray Veiro (HKB), Cartacuba – Meeting 1, 2021, performance, ACT Basel, Hotel Volkshaus, Basel, 2021, Foto: Christian Knörr

  • Carla Sophie Tapparo (EDHEA), Dirty Hierophany I, 2021, performance, ACT Basel, Hotel Volkshaus, Basel, 2021, Foto: Christian Knörr

  • Charlotte Olivieri (EDHEA), 2 hours in my cabane, 2021, performance, ACT Basel, Hotel Volkshaus, Basel, 2021, Foto: Christian Knörr

  • Ivan Röösli (HSL),... while the limousine is waiting outside, 2021, performance, ACT Basel, Hotel Volkshaus, Basel, 2021, Foto: Christian Knörr

  • Jeanne Spaeter & Mike Argiz (HKB), In bed with Jeanne & Mike, 2021, performance, ACT Basel, Hotel Volkshaus, Basel, 2021, Foto: Christian Knörr

  • Levent Pinarci (HKB), The Way I Hear (My Body), 2021, performance, ACT Basel, Hotel Volkshaus, Basel, 2021, Foto: Christian Knörr

  • Mercedes Borgunska (HKB), the room full of, 2021, performance, ACT Basel, Hotel Volkshaus, Basel, 2021, Foto: Christian Knörr

  • Mila Jarkovich (HSLU), Chat Room, 2021, performance, ACT Basel, Hotel Volkshaus, Basel, 2021, Foto: Christian Knörr

  • Mona Louisa-Melinka Hempel (HKB), Artist Talk, 2021, performance, live on Instagram @act.perform, ACT Basel, Hotel Volkshaus, Basel, 2021, Foto: Christian Knörr

  • Raffaela Boss & Yana Slattery (HGK FHNW), moving patterns, 2021, performance, ACT Basel, Hotel Volkshaus, Basel, 2021,


Performance Festival der Schweizer Kunsthochschulen

Mercedes Borgunska, Raffaela Boss & Yana Slattery, Mona Louisa-Melinka Hempel, Mila Jarkovich, Charlotte Olivieri, Levent Pinarci, Ivan Röösli, Jeanne Spaeter & Mike Argiz, Carla Sophie Tapparo,
Charles Wrapner & Ray Veiro

Samstag 10. April 2021
14:00 – 22:00

Zu Gast bei Chicken
Instagram @chichichicken_space



Longduration Performances
Chat Room, Mila Jarkovich, HSLU
Artist Talk, Mona Louisa-Melinka Hempel, live auf Instagram @act.perform, HKB

- 2 hours in my cabane, Charlotte Olivieri, EDHEA
- the room full of, Mercedes Borgunska, HKB
- Chat Room, Mila Jarkovich, HSLU
- … while the limousine is waiting outside, Ivan Röösli, HSLU
- Dirty Hierophany I, Carla Sophie Tapparo, EDHEA
- Cartacuba – Meeting 1, Charles Wrapner & Ray Veiro, HKB
- In bed with Jeanne & Mike, Jeanne Spaeter & Mike Argiz, HKB
- The Way I Hear (My Body), Levent Pinarci, HKB
- moving patterns, Raffaela Boss & Yana Slattery, HGK FHNW

ACT ist ein gemeinsames Projekt der Schweizer Kunsthochschulen HGK FHNW Basel, HKB Bern, HEAD Genf, HSLU D&K Luzern, EDHEA Valais, F+F Zürich, und ZHdK Zürich.