Birgit Kempker

Lecturer master

Plenum, artistic mentoring

Birgit Kempker researches in the areas of word, image and sound; space, idea, concept and awareness. She writes for art in art as art; prose, essay, song, sound, radio and collaborations.

Recent projects: Swing Dei Ding: Praxis in Sweet Dislocation, radio play on SRF (2016); a project with Till Velten and Uri Geller, text and recording (catalogue, video); Geist der Geister with Sam Hess, text and image (2016); Ab ins Zwischenwesen, a film with Sarah Elan Müller for Magdenau (2017). Catman ist betriebsbereit, the Catman Collection in three booklets and three sheets in Verlag dasversteck, Urs Engeler Verlag (2018).

Upcoming: Holidays from suicide: A fantastic journey with Iggy Pop.