Technologies of Care. From Sensing Technologies to an Aesthetics of Attention in a More-than-Human World

Publikation von Yvonne Volkart

Book Launch und Talk
Birgit Schneider und Yvonne Volkart
Caring and Narrating – Aesthetic Strategies to Counter the Climate Crisis
1. Dezember 2023, 19:00 – 20:00
/rosa, Rosa-Luxemburg-Strasse 35, Berlin
→ Live stream 

Was sind die Möglichkeiten von «ecoaesthetics» und «ecosensibility» im Schnittpunkt von Kunst, Wissenschaft und Technologie in Zeiten der Klimakrise? Birgit Schneider und Yvonne Volkart gehen dieser Frage nach anlässlich der Präsentation ihrer neuen Publikationen: Yvonne Volkart Technologies of Care. From Sensing Technologies to an Aesthetics of Attention in a More-than-Human World (diaphanes, Zürich, 2023, open access) und Birgit Schneider: Der Anfang einer neuen Welt. Wie wir vom Klimawandel erzählen, ohne zu verstummen (Matthes & Seitz, Berlin 2023).

Birgit Schneider, Professorin am Institut für Künste und Medien der Universität Potsdam, und Yvonne Volkart, Dozentin und Leiterin Forschung am Institut Kunst Gender Natur HGK Basel FHNW, thematisieren, wie die sozialen und ökologischen Folgen der globalen Erwärmung technisch wahrgenommen, körperlich gespürt und erlebt werden und inwieweit unterschiedliche Wahrnehmungsweisen politisch wirksam sind. Ebenso wie unterschiedliche Sichtweisen neue Narrative über die ökologische Krise und neue Ansatzpunkte für Fürsorge und Handeln eröffnen können.

Die Open-Access-Publikation Technologies of Care. From Sensing Technologies to an Aesthetics of Attention in a More-than-Human World von Yvonne Volkart ist Ende September bei diaphanes erschienen. Es ist der finale Teil des Forschungsprojekts Ökodaten – Ökomedien – Ökoästhetik. Die Bedeutung von Technologien und techno-naturwissenschaftlichen Methoden in der Kunst für die Wahrnehmung und Ästhetik des Ökologischen, welches vom SNF finanziert und an der HGK Basel FHNW von 2017 bis 2021 durchgeführt wurde.

Yvonne Volkart
Technologies of Care. From Sensing Technologies to an Aesthetics of Attention in a More-than-Human World
diaphanes, Zürich 2023
Übersetzt von Peter Burleigh
Open Access, Pdf, 98 Seiten

Photo: Karine Bonneval, Dendromacy, 2017 (Detail)

Technologies of Care. From Sensing Technologies to an Aesthetics of Attention in a More-than-Human World
Publication by Yvonne Volkart

Book launch and talk  
Birgit Schneider and Yvonne Volkart 
Caring and Narrating–Aesthetic Strategies to Counter the Climate Crisis 
1 December 2023, 7 – 8 pm 
/rosa, Rosa-Luxemburg-Strasse 35, Berlin  
→ Live stream

What are the possibilities of ecoaesthetics and ecosensibility in the intersection of art, science and technology in times of climate crisis? Birgit Schneider and Yvonne Volkart will address these questions when presenting their new books, Yvonne Volkart Technologies of Care. From Sensing Technologies to an Aesthetics of Attention in a More-than-Human World (diaphanes, Zurich, 2023, open access) and Birgit Schneider: Der Anfang einer neuen Welt. Wie wir vom Klimawandel erzählen, ohne zu verstummen (Matthes & Seitz, Berlin 2023).

Birgit Schneider, professor at the Institute for Art and Media at the University of Potsdam, and and Yvonne Volkart, head of research and lecturer at the Institute Art Gender Nature HGK Basel FHNW, will talk about the question of how the social and ecological consequences of global warming are technically sensed, bodily felt and experienced and to what extent different ways of perceiving have a political impact. And how different perspectives can open up new narratives about the ecological crisis and new entry points of care and action.

At the end of September, Yvonne Volkart’s open-access publication Technologies of Care. From Sensing Technologies to an Aesthetics of Attention in a More-than-Human World was published by diaphanes. It is the final part of the SNSF funded research project Ecodata–Ecomedia–Ecoaesthetics. The Role and Significance of New Media, Technologies and Technoscientific Methods in the Arts for the Perception and Awareness of the Ecological, conducted at the HGK Basel FHNW from 2017 to 2021.

In the art of the last decade, a relational, cross-species turn has taken place—a techno-eco-feminist turn toward the environmental, toward ontologies of becoming-together and caring for the Earth. It is a new sensibility towards planet Earth’s grounding on physical forces, in the midst of the total technologization of the world. This eco-sensibility is based on technologies, practices, and aesthetics in art that enable, poeticize, celebrate, and deploy paying attention to the more-than-human as a political practice of desire and counterappropriation of dispossessed worlds–in short, Technologies of Care. In this process, technical means and data play an essential role; especially as they come with the hope that, on the one hand, measuring data can be used to render the factuality of unknown or denied environmental phenomena and, on the other hand, that they generate new forms of attention toward the environment.

Yvonne Volkart
Technologies of Care. From Sensing Technologies to an Aesthetics of Attention in a More-than-Human World
diaphanes, Zürich 2023
Translated by Peter Burleigh
Open access, pdf, 98 pages