Art Taaalkssss: Klodin Erb

Thursday 24 October 2024, 5 pm
Klodin Erb on feminism, nature, and emojis

On site
Auditorium D 1.04, Tower Building, HGK Basel FHNW
Online  → Livestream

From 7 pm
Opening Anastasia Müller – Cooperative Procurement and Industrial Plant
Sincerely, room A 1.07, Atelier Building

→ Art Taaalkssss Fall 2024

Klodin Erb, works from the series venusinfurs, 2022/2023, installation view Klodin Erb A different kind of furs, Istituto Svizzero, Rome, 2023, photo: Ela Bialkowska, OKNO studio

In her expressive and fantastical pictorial worlds, Klodin Erb (born in Winterthur, lives in Zurich) reacts like a seismograph to the tenor of the present day. Her core medium is painting. A precise observer of her surroundings and the world at large, she is interested in how our social structures change and the challenges we face in the here and now. Just as people and society evolve, Klodin Erb constantly interrogates and renews her work as an artist, driving it forward, spinning a web where all is connected. Forays into other media such as film, installation, and collage prove to be highly inspiring and fruitful ways of generating new kinds of images, which she incorporates into her painting.

During the evening, Erb will discuss the painterly interplay of feminism, ecology and technology in her work, and how it connects our age, communication schemes such as emojis and aesthetics with those of prehistoric times.

Klodin Erb holds an artistic professorship at the Department of Design, Film and Art at Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts and was awarded the Prix Meret Oppenheim in 2022. Her work has been shown in solo and group exhibitions including Aargauer Kunsthaus, Aarau; Istituto Svizzero, Rome; Académie de France à Rome – Villa Medici; Kunst Museum Winterthur; Centre culturel suisse, Paris; Kunstmuseum Luzern; Kunstmuseum Bern.