Alpina Huus: GREEN ROOM

Exhibition and Performance by Julie Monot
Curated by Elise Lammer

Opening: 17 January, 18:30 – 22:30
Arsenic, Centre d'art scénique contemporain, Lausanne, IG: @alpinahuus

It’s hard to trace the origins of a ‚Green Room‘, a term defined in traditional Anglo-Saxon theatre as a dressing room for artists, a place to wait before entering the stage. If Teatro Real’s Salón Verde in Madrid is predominantly green, it’s not always the case with the modern versions of this waiting room, who keeps from the colour only a name.

Artist Julie Monot has decided to summon this space, which sits between the private and public realms, during an exhibition, which will be activated over the course of a 4-hour performance on the opening night on 17 January 2019. Like sculptures brought to life, the dozens of characters Monot created on this occasion will then be activated, without announcement, during the following week, creating unexpected overlaps with other programmed performances and the daily life of the art center.

Friday 18 January, 18:00 – 22:00
Saturday 19 January, 18:00 – 22:00
Sunday 20 January, 16:00 – 20:00
Thursday 24 January, 18:00 – 22:00
Friday 25 January, 18:00 – 22:00
Saturday 26 January, 18:00 – 22:00

Between January and September 2019, Arsenic, Centre d’art scenique contemporain, will regularly host exhibitions of visual artists concerned with the relationship between performance and domestic space. During this project, curated by Elise Lammer for Alpina Huus, the artists are invited to work across the various perfomance halls of Arsenic, challenging the notions of white cube and black box.

Entrance is free, no reservation needed