Thursday 17 November, 5:30 pm
Caique Tizzi (BR)
Online conversation via → Zoom
→ Art Taaalkssss Fall 2022
Caique Tizzi, Paradies, Farofa Earth, 2017, Vevey, photo: Foodculturedays
Caique Tizzi (born in Sao Paulo, lives and works in Berlin) is an artist, cook and event organizer. The focus of his practice revolves around an artistic approach to food, in which the kitchen becomes part studio, part laboratory. His culinary events aim to create a ritual around the table, giving an aura of theatricality to the ordinary, mundane act of eating together.
For Art Taaalkssss, Caique Tizzi will discuss important aspects of his practice, particularly his interest in narration when conceiving a dinner, and how inclusivity can be explored when it comes to flavor.
In 2011, Caique Tizzi co-founded Agora Collective in Berlin and developed its artistic and food platforms until 2019. Since 2017, he has been organizing Babes Bar together with Adam Fearon. He has collaborated and contributed with organizations like the KW Institute for Contemporary Art, Berlin, Berlinische Galerie, Brücke-Museum, Berlin, Gropius Bau, Berlin, Kunsthalle Osnabrück, Medialab Prado, Madrid, and Berlin Art Week, amongst others. His work was recently featured in The Kitchen Studio: Culinary Creations by Artists published by Phaidon Press in 2021.