electrfd.net at VOLUMES 2022

Art Publishing Days

26. & 27.11.2022

VOLUMES brings together publishers, artists and book lovers at Zentralwäscherei Zürich. You can expect a small program of workshops, exhibitions and interventions alongside a great selection of long-time publishing friends and new positions in the fair section, showcasing and selling their printed matter directly to the visitors. There will also be food, drinks and music, and you might find a few original presents! — The fair is free and open to the public.

electrfd.net is a new independent publishing house for digital artists‘ books founded by Esther Hunziker. The first two publications will be presented at the Volumes Art Publishing Days.

electrfd.net focuses exclusively on non-printable books, on ebooks/epubs that explore the audiovisual possibilities of electronic publications, initiating and realizing innovative experiments in the field of digital publishing in close collaboration with the artists and authors. electrfd.net is looking for creative connections and ideas, for content and exchange, statements and practices, with the intention to produce digitally crafted, innovative, beautiful and yes: electrifying electronic books.

Electrified books are loud, fluent, connected, moving, quiet, energetic, shifting, animated, interactive, coded, experimental and immaterial, they do not fit into your regular bookshelf, they do not yellow nor do they smell.

All the publications are available as free downloads and as a limited edition in form of a printed USB card.