Thursday 4 March, 5.30 pm
Lydia Ourahmane (ALG)
Online conversation via → Zoom
→ Art Taaalkssss Spring 2021

Lydia Ourahmane, p.H 8.7, 2015–2016, __ kg Fertile soil smuggled from Medea, Algeria, dimension variable, courtesy the artist
The work of multi-disciplinary artist Lydia Ourahmane (born in Saïda, lives and works in Algiers) has in recent years built on complex histories of colonialism, migration and abstraction. In a poetic exploration of the present, the personal and the political feed her research-driven practice in order to explore current major geopolitical issues, while testing the permeability of boundaries and the state of being in-between.
Lydia Ourahmane graduated from Goldsmiths University of London in 2014 and has exhibited internationally. Recent exhibitions include: Solar Cry, Wattis Institute of Contemporary Art, San Francisco; Homeless Souls, Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, Humlebæk; Crude, Jameel Art Center, Dubai; Manifesta 12, Palermo; Jaou, Tunis; Droit du sang, Kunstverein München; 2018 New Museum Triennial: Songs for Sabotage, New Museum, New York; The You In Us, Chisenhale Gallery, London. Her work will be included in the 34th Bienal de São Paulo in 2021.
On view at Kunsthalle Basel until 16 May 2021, Barzakh is Ourahmane’s first solo exhibition in Switzerland. It includes a newly commissioned work, which encompasses video, sound, performance, sculpture, and installation, exploring the way histories of displacement and colonial oppression are inscribed upon bodies.