MODERN NATURE: An Homage to Derek Jarman, Part Two

Garden, archive, artistic programme, festival

25, 26, 27 September 2020
La Becque | Artist Residency. 1, Chemin de la Becque, CH-1814 La Tour-de-Peilz

Conceived jointly by Basel-based curator Elise Lammer and La Becque, ‚Modern Nature: An Homage to Derek Jarman‘ is a three-year project which comprises the development of a garden and an artistic programme inspired by the life and work of Derek Jarman. Created especially for Modern Nature, the garden located on the lakeside grounds of La Becque is a tribute to the garden Jarman developed at Prospect Cottage. Far from a perfect copy, La Becque’s Jarman-inspired garden is actually a reinterpretation of the principles that guided him throughout his gardening process, i.e. working with local and native species, creating scenography based on found elements, devising efficient biodynamic arrangements and avoiding walls or fences.

Opening on 25, 26, 27 September 2020, the second chapter of Modern Nature will focus on the notion of “queering nature”, unveiling newly-produced sculptures displayed in the garden, as well as readings, film screenings, and various artistic and musical performances. It will also mark the birth of Garden Feelings, a new series of plantophile sonic events conceived by Julie le Gonidec and Philippe Heim, which aim to combine collective listening with natural environment.

With Félicia Atkinson (FR), Adrien Chevalley (CH), Anne-Laure Franchette (FR), Dorota Gawęda (PL) and Eglė Kulbokaitė (LT), Marie Griesmar (CH), Jailor & Fula (CH/FR), Jean-Yves Le Baron (FR), Jose Cáceres Mardones (CL/CH), Julie Monot (CH), Alessandra Novaga (IT), Florence Peake (UK), Jessy Razafimandimby (MD/CH), Prem Sahib (UK), Rosario Talevi (AR/DE), Time is Away (UK), Maxine Yolanda (CH).