Thursday 1 April, 5.30 pm
Sara Sejin Chang (Sara van der Heide) (KR/NL)
Hosted by Alexandra Navratil
Online conversation via → Zoom
→ Art Taaalkssss Spring 2021

Sara Sejin Chang (Sara van der Heide), Four Months, Four Million Light Years, installation view 11th Berlin Biennale for Contemporary Art, KW Institute for Contemporary Art, Berlin, 2020, courtesy the artist, photo: Silke Briel.
For Art Taaalkssss Sara Sejin Chang (Sara van der Heide) (born in Busan, South Korea, lives and works in Amsterdam and Brussels) will present her practice in conversation with Alexandra Navratil, artist and lecturer at the Art Institute. She will also discuss Four Months, Four Million Light Years (2020), her latest film installation that is part of the 11th Berlin Biennale.
Sara Sejin Chang’s (Sara van der Heide’s) drawings, installations, performances, films, and interventions examine patriarchal and western imperialist ideas about linearity, gender, nation states, materiality, spirituality and world-making. The artist negotiates biased views of histories and societies by offering an ongoing series of propositions to reimagine and re-appropriate methods, historical and political events, and sites. She often presents these works as poetic and intimate gestures that centralize a meta-cosmic and inclusive approach to modernity. In many of her works, Chang draws from her historiography and reflects paradoxically on these artistic processes and interventions as acts of historical repair, healing, and belonging.
Sara Sejin Chang (Sara van der Heide) is a former resident of De Ateliers, Amsterdam (1999–2001), and has been an artist in residence at ISCP, New York (2007) and at WIELS, Brussels (2016). She has shown works and given performances at the 11th Berlin Biennale (2020); Dhaka Art Summit (2020); Contour 9 Biennale Mechelen (2019); Van Abbemuseum, Eindhoven; Sharjah Biennial 13, Beirut; 1st Asia Biennial / 5th Guangzhou Triennial, Guangzhou; De Appel Arts Centre, Amsterdam; Andalusian Center for Contemporary Art, Sevilla; Marres, Maastricht; Walker Art Center, Minneapolis; the International Film Festival Rotterdam; WIELS Contemporary Art Centre, Brussels, among others.