Thursday 15 October 2020, 5:30 pm
Sung Tieu (DE/VT)
Online conversation via → Zoom
→ Art Taaalkssss Autmn 2020

Sung Tieu, Zugzwang, Haus der Kunst, Munich, 2020, © Sung Tieu, courtesy of the artist and Emalin, London, photo: Maximilian Geuter
Berlin-based German-Vietnamese artist Sung Tieu articulates a psychic imaginary in which ideological demarcation and global instability are entangled with economic vulnerability and personal histories. In the wake of geopolitical threats, she investigates the expansion of institutions and industries of protection. Working across installation, sound, video, sculpture and performance, the psychological, social and architectural dimensions of displacement play a central role in her work. Through her personal lens, Sung Tieu upsets the status of objective narration and proof-making. Instead, her work foregrounds the ways evidence is manipulated to serve socio-political agendas and reinforce violence both of physical and psychological nature. For Art Taaalkssss, Sung Tieu discusses aspects of two recent solo exhibitions, Zugzwang (2020) at Haus der Kunst in Munich and In Cold Print (2020) at Nottingham Contemporary.
Other recent solo exhibitions include What is your |x|? at Emalin in London (until 7 November 2020). Forthcoming projects include Magical Soup, Hamburger Bahnhof, (2020); Though It’s Dark, I Still Sing, 34th Sao Paulo Biennial (2021); INFORMATION (Today), Kunsthalle Basel (2021); Kunstmuseum Bonn (2021) and Taipei Fine Art Museum (2021). Sung Tieu is also part of the artist collective East London Cable, together with Aoibheann Greenan, Dan Marre, Eve Stainton, Florence Peake, Jos Bitelli, Louis Brown and Wojciech Kosma.