The Call

Performance on the phone

Sa 30.01.2021 17:00-17:15
 The Call

20 performers from all over the world are asked to make a ten-minutes, individual audio performance over the phone. Before the performance starts, the names and numbers of the visitors are distributed to the performers. The phones start ringing at the same time. Call performance by Cécile Baumgartner Vizkelety & Marlijn Karsten in in collaboration with the calling artists:
 Cyprien Desrez, Vital z’Brun, Anina Müller, Gino Rösselet, Jack Hogan, Jennifer Scherler, Yana Slattery, Sofia Durrieu, Carolina Brunelli, Fabienne Stucki, Ruben Stauffer, Lea Marong, Anna Meisser, Lola Willemin, Sinai Mutzner, Thy Truong, Rachel Bühler, Lea Kalfus, Jonas Huldi, Colin Barth

Hosted by Accélérateur de particules, Garage Coop, Strasbourg, France and REGIONALE

To sign in write a mail to: