All that we see or seem (group show)

Daydreams or the strange companionship of escapism and utopia

Opening: Saturday 2. September, 17 – 21h, 20h: Sound & Performance by Nora Lune & Line Larsen
Kunstraum Bern Bümpliz, Bümplizstrasse 112, 3018 Bern

‘Don’t dream your life away!’, but ‘dare to dream big!’: On the one hand, the daydream is a clichéd symbol of creative potential; on the other hand, immersion in a world that only takes place in one’s own head is often perceived as a self-centred escape from reality. But the daydream also has a collective dimension: as a form of mental immersion it is also closely linked to utopian imagination, to narrative fiction and pop culture. Drawing, performance, video(-games), prints, paintings, text and especially the resonances of sound: In dialogue with each other and the space, the works in the exhibition tell a story about the many ambivalences of the daydream, from autofiction to narratives of alternative worlds lost and found.